Thursday, November 12, 2020

Financing the Home Purchase: 2020 Profile of Home Buyers & Sellers

Financing the Home Purchase:
  • 87 percent of recent buyers financed their home purchase. Those who financed their home purchase typically financed 88 percent.
  • First-time buyers who financed their home typically financed 93 percent of their home compared to repeat buyers at 84 percent.
  • 58 percent of buyers, the source of the downpayment came from their savings. Thirty-eight percent of buyers cited using the proceeds from the sale of a primary residence, which was the next most commonly reported way of securing a downpayment.
  • 11 percent of buyers, the most difficult step in the home buying process was saving for a downpayment.
  • Of buyers who said saving for a downpayment was difficult, 47 percent of buyers reported that student loans made saving for a downpayment difficult. Forty-three percent cited high rent/mortgages and 36 percent cited credit card debt also making saving for a downpayment hard.
  • Buyers continue to see purchasing a home as a good financial investment. Eighty-three percent reported they view a home purchase as a good investment.

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